Sometimes, QTP is unable to find any object that matches the recognized object description or it may find more than one object that fits the description, then QTP ignores the recognized description and uses the Smart Identification mechanism to recognize the object.
QTP's Smart Identification uses two types of properties:
Base Filter Properties - The basic properties of a particular test...
Monday, 16 February 2015

What is Synchronization?
Synchronization point is the time interface between Tool and Application under test. Synchronization point is a feature to specify delay time between one step and another of the test script.
For Example, clicking on a link may load the page is 1 second, sometimes 5 seconds or even it might take 10 seconds to load it completely. It depends on various factors such as the...

What are CheckPoints?
Checkpoints, as the name says it all, it refers to a validation point that compares the current value for specified properties or current state of an object with the expected value which can be inserted at any point of time in the script.
Standard CheckpointVerifies the property values of an object in application under test and supported by all add-in...

A DataTable, similar to Microsoft Excel helps testers to create data driven test cases that can be used to run an Action multiple times. There are two types of Datatables.
Local Data Table - Each action has its own private data table also known as local data table which is can also be accessed across actions.
Global Data Table - Each test has one global data sheet that...

Actions helps testers to divide scripts into groups of QTP statements called actions. Actions are similar to functions in VBScript, however there are few differences. By Default QTP creates a test with 1 action.
Actions Functions
Actions are inbuild feature of QTP. VBScript Functions are supported by both VBScript and QTP.
Actions parameters are passed byvalue only. Function parameters are passed either by byvalue or byref.
Actions have extension .mts Functions are saved as .vbs or .qfl

Object Repository:
Object Repository:
Object Repository is a collection of object and properties with which QTP will be able to recognize the objects and act on it. When a user records a test, the objects and its properties are captured by default. Without understanding objects and its properties, QTP will NOT be able to play back the scripts.
Click on each one of the below topics to know more about Object Repository and its associated features.
Topic Description
Object Spy and its...

Significance of Record and Playback:
It is used as the preliminary investigation method to verify if UFT can support the technology/application.
Used to create a test a basic functionality of an application or feature that does not require long-term maintenance.
It can be used for recording both mouse movements and keyboard inputs.
Modes of Recording:
Normal Recording: This is the default Recording mode that records the objects and the operations performed on the application under test.

Record and Playback
Recording a test corresponds to recording the user actions of the application under test so that UFT automatically generates the scripts that can be played back. Record and Playback can give us the first impression if the tool can support the technology or NOT if the initial settings are done correctly.
Steps for Record and Playback are as follows:
Step 1: Click on "New" test from the Start Page as shown below:
2.Step 2: Upon Clicking, "New" Link, the new test window...
Saturday, 8 November 2014

Q1. What is Requirement Traceability Matrix?
The Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) is a tool to make sure that project requirement remain same throughout the whole development process. RTM is used in the development process because of following reasons:
• To determine whether the developed project is meet the requirements of the user.• To determine all the requirements given by the user• To make sure the application requirement can be fulfilled in the verification process.
Q2. What is...

1.Define software?
Software is a set of instructions used to acquire inputs and to manipulate them to produce the desired output in terms of functions and performance as determined by the user of the software.
2.Define testing?
Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding of an error.
3.What are the types of software?
There are two types of software. There are
System Software
Application Software
4.What is the difference between system...
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