Monday, 30 December 2013

Zubaer kh...
zubaer khan in shim...

Friday, 13 December 2013

India Jaipur Muslim Nautch Gi...
zubaer kh...

Thursday, 28 November 2013

                       Developer v/s Test...
Zubaer khan...

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Few basic tips that we need to keep in mind for testing Desktop Applications Depending on the mode of accessibility, the softwares are often broadly classified into two significant categories, Web Applications and Desktop Applications. Typically a desktop application is a software utility that resides on a standalone machine which may or may not support communication among other machines through LAN/Intranet. Such applications are meant to cater the static needs of the customers. Unlike the web-applications...
HOW TEAM TEST MOBILE APPS by Zubaer khan“Mobile first” is the motto these days for many companies. However, being able to test a mobile app in a meaningful way is very challenging. On the Google+ team we have had our share of trial and error that has led us to successful strategies for testing mobile applications on both iOS and Android.General  Understand the platform. Testing on Android is not the same as testing on iOS. The testing tools and frameworks available for each platform...

Monday, 4 November 2013

He is the Mohammad Zibraan Khan S/o Mohammad Zubaer Kha...
zubaer khan Frien...
 Zubaer khan in Sports,zubaer khan has National players of handboll & athletic of 100m or 200m. zubaer khan has university players of DAVV,Indore or RGTU,Bhopal. ...

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Role & Responsibilities: Write Test Cases according to the System Test Plan or requirements. Execution of Test Cases. Support development team reported problems in debugging and isolating the root cause of errors. Track problem reports and resolutions. Record and report test results. Update Test Cases according to data obtained from random results, customers complain and so on. Involved in conference calls on a Weekly basis. Training to client Team on the functionalities of the product and...