Verify the mandatory fields in Login screen.(without entering data in the text fields)
User Name and Password field are appearing in proper position In the page or not.
User name and password fields are having same font, proper look up feeling or not.
User name and password field are properly aligned.
Verify the Login Buttons in Login screen-Login
Check the spellings are proper are not.
Button fields are active and doing desired work or not.
Verify the validation message when trying to login by leaving any username and password fields.
Verify the validation message shown when trying to login by leaving username field.
Verify the validation message shown when trying to login by leaving password field.
Verify the error message after logging when wrong User name using.
(Enter valid password but invalid username.)
Verify the error message after logging when wrong Password using.
(Enter valid username and invalid password)
Verify the error message after logging when wrong User name and Password using.
(Enter invaild username, password)
Verify the error message after logging when long username , that exceeds the limit of characters(20) using.
Verify the error message after logging when long Password ,that exceeds the limit of characters using.
Try copy/paste in the password text box.
Verify if user is able to login to Application when using correct credentials.
User Name and Password field are appearing in proper position In the page or not.
User name and password fields are having same font, proper look up feeling or not.
User name and password field are properly aligned.
Verify the Login Buttons in Login screen-Login
Check the spellings are proper are not.
Button fields are active and doing desired work or not.
Verify the validation message when trying to login by leaving any username and password fields.
Verify the validation message shown when trying to login by leaving username field.
Verify the validation message shown when trying to login by leaving password field.
Verify the error message after logging when wrong User name using.
(Enter valid password but invalid username.)
Verify the error message after logging when wrong Password using.
(Enter valid username and invalid password)
Verify the error message after logging when wrong User name and Password using.
(Enter invaild username, password)
Verify the error message after logging when long username , that exceeds the limit of characters(20) using.
Verify the error message after logging when long Password ,that exceeds the limit of characters using.
Try copy/paste in the password text box.
Verify if user is able to login to Application when using correct credentials.
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