Check the availability of the fields or objects email,full name , Pwd, cofinrm pwd
Check the spellings of all place holder or filed name
check the mandatory fields in the form
check the error messages for unfill of all mandatory fields
Check for the error message for unfill of email id
check for the error message for fill email address as “zubaer”
check for the error message for fill email address as “#@%^%#$@#$”
check for the error message for fill email address as “ ”
check for the error message for fill email address as “zubaer <>”
check for the error message for fill email address as “”
check for the error message for fill email address as “”
check for the error message for fill email address as “.”
check for the error message for fill email address as “”
check for the error message for fill email address as “”
check for the error message for fill email address as “ (zubaer)”
check for the error message for fill email address as “ zubaera@luutaa”
check for the error message for fill email address as “”
check for the error message for fill email address as “”
check for the error message for fill email address as “ zubaer@111.222.333.444”
check the error message for special characters for Full name
check the error message for more than 20 characters for full nmae
check for the error message for mobile no by enter more than 10 numbers
check for Password should contain combination of letter, numbers and symbols.--------
check for Password should not contain spaces.
check for Password should not be more than 40 characters.
check for confirm Password should contain combination of letter, numbers and symbols
which is same as the password.
check for confirm Password should not contain spaces.
check for confirm Password should not be more than 40 characters.
Check the successful message for entry of all mandatory fields with the proper input.
Check the spellings of all place holder or filed name
check the mandatory fields in the form
check the error messages for unfill of all mandatory fields
Check for the error message for unfill of email id
check for the error message for fill email address as “zubaer”
check for the error message for fill email address as “#@%^%#$@#$”
check for the error message for fill email address as “ ”
check for the error message for fill email address as “zubaer <>”
check for the error message for fill email address as “”
check for the error message for fill email address as “”
check for the error message for fill email address as “.”
check for the error message for fill email address as “”
check for the error message for fill email address as “”
check for the error message for fill email address as “ (zubaer)”
check for the error message for fill email address as “ zubaera@luutaa”
check for the error message for fill email address as “”
check for the error message for fill email address as “”
check for the error message for fill email address as “ zubaer@111.222.333.444”
check the error message for special characters for Full name
check the error message for more than 20 characters for full nmae
check for the error message for mobile no by enter more than 10 numbers
check for Password should contain combination of letter, numbers and symbols.--------
check for Password should not contain spaces.
check for Password should not be more than 40 characters.
check for confirm Password should contain combination of letter, numbers and symbols
which is same as the password.
check for confirm Password should not contain spaces.
check for confirm Password should not be more than 40 characters.
Check the successful message for entry of all mandatory fields with the proper input.
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